Land price in Ngong is dependent on the distance from Ngong town. Plots within Ngong town sell for 8 to 10m for a 1/8th acre which translates to 70m per acre or 35m per 0.5 acre. Plots 500m from tarmac go for between 4 to 5m per 1/8th which translates to 35m per acre or 18m per half acre.
Plots located 1km from tarmac costs around 2m per 1/8th which translates to 14m per acre and 7m per 0.5acre. Plots located 2km and above from tarmac cost between 1 to 2m per 1/8th which translates to 7 to 14m per acre or 3.5 to 7m per 0.5 acre.

Distance from main Ngong to Nairobi tarmac is the main determinant of price. Distance from Ngong town also affects price with plots closer to Nairobi fetching higher than plots farther away.

Ngong town is approximately 22km from Nairobi CBD.

Distance from large shopping developments such as the Juanco shopping centre also affects land prices.
An upcoming large supermarket development within the Ngong PCEA church land will also affect land prices.
Land in Ngong can be used to construct high-rise buildings.
There are no restrictions to the types of developments that can be constructed apart from the Kerarapon area which borders Karen and is zoned for single family residential use only.
Just like Karen whereby only one house is to be constructed in a minimum land size of 0.5acres, Kerarapon has similar land restrictions, the only difference being the minimum land size of 0.25 acres. Plots here sell for kes 5m per 0.25acres, translating to 20m per acre.

Land in Karen sells for 30 to 40m per acre for residential and 50 to 60m per acre for commercial land near or next to the main tarmac road.

Ngong area neighbors Kibiku, Matasia ,Kerarapon and Karen/Ololua forest.


There are stone quarries in Ngong Oloolua area , Ongata Rongai Gataka area and Kiserian along Kiserian Isinya road. The Oloolua and Rongai stones are hard and mainly used for the foundation. The kiserian stones are soft and yellow in colour so they are mainly used for superstructure walling and decoration.

nogng area has plenty of water from underground reservoirs. various individuals and organisations have sunk boreholes and already have existing water piping networks that serve the water to individual plots.


Blackouts are quite common during the day and there is power rationing on Thurdays during the day.

Francis Gichuhi Kamau, Architect.






One response to “LAND PRICES IN NGONG TOWN.”

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    wairimu mbuthia

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