pitch deck.

  1. Introduction

A4architect.com offers architecture services and construction management solutions in Kenya. A4architect.com desires to expand and venture into a construction materials online sales portal.


  1. Team

Architect Francis Gichuhi, who has over 14 years of active practice within the Kenyan construction industry, heads the a4architect.com team.


  1. Problem

Developers in Kenya do not have a 1 stop shop where they can view, analyse and compare various construction materials. A4architect.com aims to provide this solution.


  1. Advantages


A4architect.com is special in that all construction materials, inclusive of prices, will for once be available within one portal, with options for discussion where potential buyers can ask questions which will then be answered by a4architect.com team.


  1. Solution


A4architect.com plans to list all construction materials and equipment, with all details that potential buyers would like to know. Tis will provide convenience to buyers e.g a buyer shopping to buy passenger lifts and ceramic tiles will shop for both items without having to leave the portal.

A4architect.com will also be able to give wholesale prices to buyers, hence enabling developers to save money through buying directly from the manufacturers.

  1. Product

The service works by listing various construction materials in various categories. See below link for example.





  1. Traction


With the rate at which huge buildings are coming up in Kenya, this means that the construction material business is high. Most of these materials are imported, hence its easier for the importers to have the materials info on www.a4architect.com so that the developers can shop at one place, akin to walking into a mall.


  1. Market

The Kenyan construction market is in the tune of USD 170 Million per year. Source http://www.coastweek.com/3806-Nairobi-property-developers-double-construction-of-houses.htm


  1. Competition


Alternative solutions are setting up a physical warehouse with construction materials where buyers can walk in and place their orders.


  1. Business model


A4architect.com plans to make money through advertising materials and also 5 to 10% commissions to sales from successful sale transactions.

  1. Investing


A budget of KES 5,000,000  would suffice to cater for initial set up including mainly advertising, staff salaries and web redesign.


  1. Contact

Our contacts are info@a4architect.com  or +254721410684



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